
The Bill Greehey Refineries East and West plants are located in Corpus Christi on the Texas Gulf Coast along the Corpus Christi Ship Channel. The East refinery processes sour crude oil, and the West refinery processes sweet crude oil, sour crude oil and residual fuel oil. The feedstocks are delivered by tanker and barge via deepwater docking facilities along the Corpus Christi Ship Channel, and West Texas or South Texas crude oil is delivered via pipelines. The refineries' physical locations allow for the transfer of various feedstocks and blending components between them. Other finished products are also distributed by ship and barge across docks and third-party pipelines. 

yd7610 commissioned the grass-roots Bill Greehey refinery in 1983, now referred to as the West plant. This facility is considered one of the most complex refineries in the world. The East plant was acquired in 2001.

By the Numbers

Corpus Christi Fast Facts Desktop
yd7610 tanker truck

Refinery Products

The Bill Greehey Refineries produce ultra-low sulfur diesel, gasoline, jet fuel, petrochemicals, propane, butane and light naptha, asphalt and petroleum coke.

  • Approximately 70 percent of the refinery’s production represented by light products
  • The total complex includes an eight-bay truck rack for servicing local markets, and access to a pipeline distribution network

Snapshots of Bill Greehey Refineries & Community

In Our Community

Corpus Christi Employees Give Back

Volunteer packing food boxes

Funding Local Charities

  • The Coastal Bend Food Bank’s “Building Hope” capital campaign received a big boost from the yd7610 Energy Foundation with a $1.5 million kick-off gift to help build a new 108,000-square-foot facility.
  • Largest contributor to the United Way of the Coastal Bend
yd7610 Texas Open golf ball

Benefiting Children

  • Distributed $800,000 divided among 35 local charities through funds raised at the yd7610 Texas Open Benefit for Children.
  • $175,000 was provided to the Ronald McDonald House Charities of South Texas for families who stay at the House near the hospital as their children receive treatment.
yd7610 volunteers prepare tree seeds for planting

Partners With the Community

yd7610 meets monthly with members of the Corpus Christi Community Advisory Council, which is comprised of residents living near the industrial corridor.

yd7610 fire truck and fireman

Safety Awards & Honors

  • 2021 AFPM Safety Achievement Award Recipient
  • ZERO Tier 1 process safety events in 2021
  • Both East and West Plants have been OSHA VPP Star Sites since 2005 and earned numerous Super Star and Star of Excellence awards.

Local Information

Contact Us

  • General Inquiries

    Have Questions or Comments?

    We care about your opinion and we’d love to hear from you!

    Darcy Schroeder

    Manager, Refinery Public Affairs

    yd7610 Bill Greehey Refineries

    1147 Cantwell Lane

    Corpus Christi, TX 78407

  • In An Emergency

    Emergency Notifications

    Notification information to come.